Unable to check in ?

Can’t get in touch with the hotel?

No rooms left at the hotel?

Don’t like the room?

We heard your feedback and decided to keep you in the loop, from when you book the room to when you smell the choclated pillow on the bed

How it works ?
Glad you reached here

When a room is booked, Oyo goes through many steps in the background to ensure you have a great stay

To keep us accountable, and being completely transparent with OYO users, we’ll bring you along the loop

After each booking, a progress bar is made for your journey. As the progress bar gets filled, you’re one step closer to your journey 

How does that help me ?

You’re on the right path

Next time when you book a room, a journey map is provided. Keep your self updated with the journey map and say goodbye to anxiety

As stages get completed, you’ll be assured that your hotel is expecting you and your room is being preped to the high standard we pride ourself with

With virtual confirmation from both Hotel and user ,verified by Oyo, get assurance that there won’t be any last minute bumps in the road to check in

With Oyo keeping a bird’s eye view on your journey, we’ll follow up with both parties to ensure all stages are completed.

Check it Out early ?

We hope you enjoyed your time

We’re as excited as you are for your next trip.Sign up here to be one of the first users to test out the new take on the journey to the destination

Made as part of NextLeap Grad Project

By Nikhil Arora